Facilitating creative workshops for the Product Vision and the Product Mission involving more than 100 stakeholders in the process, including our CEO. 
Find the complete articles I wrote together with my colleague Valentina Salvi at Medium: here & here
Facilitator & Organizer
Feb 2021
User Research, Creative Facilitation, Workshopping

Credits to Julia Lidoy. I was a contributor as well.

Project Context & Goal

At Glovo, we are constantly dedicated to delivering value both to our stakeholders by facilitating business results and most importantly, to our users. My colleague and I were recruited by our Customer Product Director and Engineering Director to leverage our Service Design background in helping shape the co-creation of the Product Vision and Product Mission.
What is a Product Mission? 
A Product Mission embodies the “what”, “who” and “why” of the product, distilling its main purpose. It’s a concise and clear statement able to define who uses the product and what is the unique value you provide with it. Ultimately, it uncovers the difference it makes in the world.
What is a Product Vision?
The Product Vision focuses on where you want your product to be in the future, 3–5 years down the road. It’s a concise statement able to inspire everyone involved in product development, to create a meaningful product. unleashing value.

The process
We tweaked our process based on scientific papers and external references to turn exercises into a custom approach that would work best for us.​​​​​​​ We used Miro as a tool to leverage its online potential.

The Product Mission Workshop

We conducted a 1-day online workshop to co-create our Product Mission. This workshop was divided in two parts to ensure divergent thinking first and ensure later the convergent one in our participants. 

The Miro template we used as a base to co-create our Product Mission

The Product Vision Workshop
The Product Vision Ideation Workshop was led in a 2-day online sessions due to its complexity and length. The first day we focussed the exercises of the co-creation on the 'present stage' and the second day more specifically on the 'future stage' of the product. 

Miro set-up of the first Product Vision workshop focusing on ‘Exploring the now’. The board is split into two areas, one area per group.

Miro set-up of the second Product Vision workshop focusing on ‘Envisioning the future’.


Thanks to co-creating a Product Mission & Vision by leveraging the talent and domains of our expertise we raised our game when shaping our product roadmap and strategic decision-making, as well as improving our mindset and drive in pursuing it as a company.
Credits to: Valentina Salvi

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