Designing an app which helps people cook and manage their groceries to decrease food waste in the household and make more sustainable choices.
Project lead, UX Researcher, UX Designer
Sep 2020 - Feb 2020
Market & Trend Research, Context Mapping, Product Strategy, Service Design, User Experience, Visual Design, Usability Testing
Research Findings, Concept Development, Wireframes, UX/UI Prototype

Design Process

The process followed was based on the Double Diamond method, a creative problem-solving approach which main goal is to come up with a human centred solution.


Nowadays, around 100 million tons of food are wasted annually in the EU. By 2020, food waste could rise to over 120 million tones (European Commission, 2015). Food waste was included within the 17 United Nations Sustainable Goals.

The Problem
There is a gap in the market of solutions tackling food waste in the household. Fresh fruits and vegetables followed by meat, poultry and fish make up the most considerable losses. 

Research Process

1. Research question definition
2. Hypothesis
3. Qualitative Interviews (Guideline & conducting them)
4. Hypothesis validation
4. Data interpretation & Insights
5. Clustering insights​​​​​​​
Qualitative research was performed through interviews to 6 participants and also a survey to fifty people was carried out as a quantitative source.
The underlying reasons behind food waste discovered were: lack of awareness and undervaluing food, confusion over label dates, impulsive purchases, poor planning and over-preparation.

Customer Journey​​​​​​​

Key Insights​​​​​​​


During ideation, key feature requirements were specified:


An app that helps users manage their food inventory and suggest recipes accordingly. It is connected with your food purchases that shows in real time the most critical goods in your fridge depending on their expiration date and gives suggestions of recipes using those groceries to throw away less. The connected app will also alert the user in case he/she wants to purchase specific good already in the household.


Information Architecture

User Flow

Wireframes & Prototype

Lessons learned

1. Be curious and proactive: Reach out to people to understand more and work together.
2. Be intentional: Design with reasoning whether that is UX or business related.
3. Be you: It’s okay to push back if you need more time. It’s okay to push ideas if you are passionate.

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